Facebook guitar page
I’ve made a facebook page to post news and events. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61565474187563
I’ve made a facebook page to post news and events. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61565474187563
I met the maker at Supercrawl this fall. Exquisite handmade guitars designed with ingenuity and flair. www.contriverguitars.com
Beginner drummers – rent a condo sized drum set from me for $20 a month. The kit comes with hardware and is the same size as the one on the drum lesson page. An easy way to try drumming without the commitment of owning. ($200 returnable deposit)
Wood can dry out and crack in winter. Read these to keep your guitar humidified. https://www.taylorguitars.com/blog/guitars-more/using-guitar-humidifier-and-other-guitar-humidity-tips
What can you do for free at Hamilton Public Library’s digital media labs? Tons!Such as:Record and mix your own songs,Use the electronic drum kit and keyboard MIDI controller,Shoot and edit a short film. Let your creative side run wild at the Terryberry, Red Hill and Central Branches.Book a session with your library card and see everything the labs have to… Read More >
Line6 has an amp you can control wirelessly from a handheld device. Play tracks, control effects or download preset tones. You can connect and record to computer via USB. http://line6.com/amplifi/
Play a gig anywhere even without a power outlet. Rechargeable, lightweight speakers with built in 4 channel mixer. Go anywhere and run it for 20hrs on one charge. Stream music from your device with Bluetooth, or a wireless mic. Awesome!http://www.samsontech.com/samson/products/portable-pa/expedition-rechargable/xp106w/
New acoustic guitars come with one strap button. You buy the other one (@ $5) and attach it. This link shows 5 choices of places and has tips on how to do it. Thank you Dan Erlewine.http://www.stewmac.com/How-To/Online_Resources/Hardware_Installation/Wheres_the_best_spot_for_your_strap_button.html
Need cables of a specific length but the store doesn’t carry them? This kit makes it easy to make them any length you want, with your choice of right-angle or straight plugs. Best of all it’s quick and there’s no soldering. High quality plugs and cable. This link shows howhttp://www.planetwaves.com/PWVideo.Page?ActiveID=3985&MediaId=7981